BioZYM is a 100% bio-degradable multi-enzymatic blend created via cold fermentation process. It consists of concentrated organic enzymes, powerful organic surfactants and micro-nutrients. It is non-toxic, non-hazardous and non-flammable and is harmless for humans, animals and plants.


BioZYM C is used in residential, commercial and industrial deep cleaning and has applications in housekeeping and kitchens. It is effectively used for microbial control and removes malodours produced by organic materials. It is used for multi-purpose cleaning including, hard stain removal, surface cleaning and floor and wall cleaning. It is completely harmless for humans and thus does not require the extensive amounts of personal protection equipment needed to use other celaners.


BioZYM I utilizes plant based oils as its active ingredient to effectively control insect and fly populations and disrupt the breeding cycles of most small insects. This in turn helps control vector-borne dieseases such as Malaria, Dengue and Chicken Gunya. This product contains no harmful chemicals, polymers or petroleum based oils and leave no residue that is toxic for humans, plants and larger animals.


BioZYM O is a blend of enzymes specifically formulated to breakdown the sources of malodors in a variety of locations such as the kitchen, bathrooms, drain-pipes and grease traps. Where other products simply mask these bad smells by adding a heavy dose of pleasant scents, Biozym O neutralizes the source of these unpleasant odors making them undetectable to our senses. It also provides a slight scent to gently fragrance the area without getting too strong and causing irritation to the eyes and nose. Biozym O also has industrial applications and can be used in Effluent Treatment Plants (ETPs), Sewage Treatment Plants (STP’s) and Landfills to remove odors that affect surrounding communities.


BioZYM W is a blend of benefical microbes and active enzymes that have the ability to degrade and breakdown a wide-range of organic pollutants within water. It is extremely useful for the purpose of industrial water treatment, specifically for the reduction of COD, BOD, Ammonical Nitrogen and Sludge and the enhancement of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and MLSS. It can be used to treat waste water at treatment plants as well as large water-bodies such as lakes, rivers and canals.