
There are a number of industries that have benefited greatly from the increased integration of natural, organic and sustainable products into their value chain. A number of which are reflected below,


Awareness towards disinfection of processed and wastewater has become increasingly relevant. New analytical techniques and a better understanding of aqueous chemistry brought back the relevance of using traditional disinfection techniques, namely the formation of trihalomethanes (THM’s), but the same has now been proven to be hazardous to human health. Of the viable disinfectant alternatives, few offer a comprehensive solution to the numerous problems encountered in treatment of drinking water. Our BioClean program helps control all the challenges that come with running these treatment plants. We are able to provide solutions that holistically solve these challenges while still remaining cost competitve and allowing for adaptability based on our clients needs.

Pharmaceutical, Healthcare and Cosmetics

We understand the importance of disinfection and sanitisation in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries, be it for the prevention of healthcare associated infections (HAIs) in patients, reduction of cross-contamination amongst caregivers and healthcare providers or for getting rid of microbial loading in the pharmaceutical industry. Our new generation eco-friendly disinfectant and fumigant range AqBON is FDA approved, covers surface, water and air and reduces time taken to disinfect laboratories and instruments thus increasing their productive output. Our BioClean program provides innovative and safe cleaning solutions for Labs, hospitals, medical facilities, nursing homes and rehabilitation centers.

Food Processing

Our BioClean solutions are formulated for factory maintenance and to clean all types of processing equipment including Clean-in-place (CIP) and Clean-out-of-place (COP) operations. We replace traditional alkalies, acids, chlorinated high foam cleaners and degreasers with organic enzymatic probiotic products. Our disinfectants are effective against a wide variety of germs and pathogens while remaining parabin free, non-toxic and completely green. Our enzymatic blends keep food processing plants safe, sanitised and residue-free, hence eliminating the threat of contamination of raw materials and finished goods and providing additional value to our clients.


In order to meet the ever increasing demand of facility management trends, companies are required to comply with the standards and guidelines enunciated by authorities like the Pollution Control Boards. We have come up with a substitute for the harsh and harmful chemicals being currently deployed in their processes. Chemical based cleaning not only generates toxic and harmful waste but also degrades the areas where they are discharged. To get rid of this menace, we have introduced the use of eco-friendly and green products for maintaining a facility. Through our BioClean concept and our flagship products BioZYM and AqBON, we help the facility management companies to become environmentally compliant. Our endeavour is to showcase how the high standards of sanitation and hygiene required of a facility are possible without the use of chemicals, detergents, caustic, etc. To achieve this, we offer organic and eco-friendly products that cater to multiple everyday applications, and reduce time and energy taken to complete these tasks.


Our newest industry is the field of Shrimp farming within Aquaculture. This industry revolves around traditional 90 to 120 day harvest cycles and kilogram counts of the shrimp once they have matured. To that end, products used in this industry need to ensure healthy shrimp harvests, non-toxic growth environments and increased growth potential of the shrimps. Combining these requirements makes the use of natural products over synthetic ones a no-brainer. Hence, we are proud to be able to use our existing water treatment range and disinfectanct range to achieve an ideal environment for Shrimp growth. While we have also created a new range of products specifically used to boost growth of the cultures and fight the various afflcitions that may hamper shrimp farming. Unlike large scale competitors with complacent, non-effective products, our research team has come up with newer more agile products that can be used in a variety of water based environments and are mostly unaffected by seasonal climatic changes. This ensures simultaneous rounds of above average shrimp counts and a reduction in the turn-around time required to ready the water body for the next harvest.


There is a growing trend towards the use of organic substitutes as pesticides and fertilizers versus traditional chemical based products. This trend has been spurred by the effectiveness of organic substitutes in dealing with pest and growth issues while still maintaining a non hazardous environment for the crops and an increased focus on bio-remediation of the soil thus maintaining the productivity of the land. Organic products can help increase nitrogen fixation bacteria in soil thus boosting plant growth which in turn reduces harvest times and ensures bountiful harvests. Our products stand out from other organic formulations as through thorough testing we have been able to not only reduce harvest times but also increase the overall harvest and the longevity of the produce once it has been harvested. We use different formulations of our enzyme based boosting products based on the crop requirements and customized solutions based on the needs of the land and farmers to ensure product efficacy.