
BioCleaning Process :

Due to the continuous usage of hazardous cleaning products, the environment is degrading drastically and there is an urgent need to save it from further deterioration. To this end, there are numerous ways citizens and businesses can look to help restore our ecological balance. One of the most basic ways we can do so is to curb our waste material or at least monitor and change what we release as waste. This leads us to the concept of BioClean.

BioClean refers to the process of deep cleaning using natural, eco-friendly enzymes and bacteria and biodegradable disinfectants. BioClean facilitates a non toxic, non hazardous, clean, safe and healthy cleaning and disinfection environment. Unlike other cleaning and disinfecting methodologies, Bio-cleaning is safer for human health and the environment. This uses highly specialized enzymes as well as proprietary plant and organic gels to do the job of traditional chemical products.

Value Addition to Clients :

Products which are based on the concept of BioClean are natural and devoid of any hazardous elements thus give direct benefits to industries such as food processing and pharmaceuticals where even trace contamination can lead to huge financial losses. Other less direct benefits include avoiding of fines and penalties that can be placed by governing bodies on water treatment units that are on-site in a number of industries. When looking at the commercial sector, using more effective organic products can lead to less load on plumbing, reduce the number of human hours used for cleaning and even solve complicated cleaning and disinfection issues where chemicals cannot be used. Further there are moral arguments for clients to adopt Bio-cCeaning as well. Clients who use such products automatically become supporters of the environment and make a contribution to making the environment more sustainable for future generations.