
At Green Erect we are always innovating and adding to the list of our potential application areas. Some of our most prominent application areas are Listed BelowWe are also constantly expanding our trials into newer sectors such as bio-dynamics by providing bio-fertiliser as well as bio-peticides and bio-weedicides to replace the standard chemical formulations and cost-competitve rates. Another important vertical we are researching is the ability to treat and disinfect swimming pools without the use of chlorine. Thus removing the traditional hassles including itchiness, rashes and eye-irritation that come along with exposing sensitive body parts to chlorinated water. Finally, we are also exploring the realm of waterless functions such as waterless urinals that can be installed by municipalities or corporates and industries to drastically reduce the amount of water used by them for this function. We are keen to develop our technology, conduct trials and create reports so that everyone can be aware of the kind of saving we can engage in simply by converting a single urinal to a waterless variant.

Odour control

The Odour Control process uses plant-based products to eliminate foul odours by breaking the molecular bonding of odour causing compounds such as bio-films found in washrooms or decomposing organic material in treatment plants and landfills. Unlike other products tasked with the same application, our product does not just mask these unpleasant odours but rather destroys them or renders them inert thus tackling the root of the odour. Hence, while the user may need to use other odour control products a number of times in the same day, our solution minimizes both usage of the product and time taken to deal with the odour issue.

Insect and Bug Control

The Insect Control process uses a multi-enzyme water soluble concentrate made from all organic ingredients, which are non-hazardous, non-flammable, completely biodegradable and non-toxic to plant and animal life larger than the target insects. This method is completely environmentally safe making it a much more attractive solution than processes involving harsh chemicals such as DDT and other chemical pesticides. The mechanism we use targets insect larvae rather than grown insects, which only have lifespans of a few days, thus ensuring any large larvae colonies are destroyed and any surface our product is used on remains non-toxic.

Cleaning | Degreasing | Sanitazation

The Cleaning and Degreasing process uses non-toxic and biodegradable products to clean, degrease and treat organic matter. It involves the partial or complete cleaning of a premise using our enzymatic products. The benefits of using Green Erect products extend to removing harmful chemicals from an environment that we constantly come in contact with. Areas such as kitchens and bathrooms require proper sanitary care but can negatively affect health if large amounts of chemical cleaners are used. Our products also provide multi-faceted functionality, the excess cleaning solution created when poured down drains helps remove organic particulates that may cause blockages and can contain mal-odors to a certin extent.

Waste Water Treatment

Lakes and Water Bodies : Traditional disinfection and cleaning of water bodies tend to focus on Chlorine as the product of choice but there are several shortfalls with Chlorine that can lead to disastrous and expensive consequences. These include the creation of thick chlorine deposits and sludge at the bottom of water bodies and surrounding terrain. This concrete-like deposit is extremely hard to breakdown and traps numerous heavy metals within it, thus contaminating the water. Furthermore it produces a green-ish hue on the water that is deemed quite unpleasant by visitors and attracts small insects known as midgets on the waters edge. By replacing chlorine with our Bio-enzymatic blends we can ensure the breakdown of all such residues in the water body along with the removal of heavy metal particulates, the sickly green color and any midget infestation. This can be done in a cost-effective manner and provide clients with the cost-savings of not having to employ separate entities for sludge and chlorine deposit removal.

ETP/STP : The use of chemical detergents, caustics and pH balancers create an extremely complicated usage environment for treatment plants that are required to maintain certain parameters within water before releasing it on to natural bodies. Along with these complications there are always trace amounts of chemicals that are able to move through the treatment plants and into the water-bodies causing water contamination and an increase in algal blooms. On switching from these solutions to our organic enzymatic blends, plant managers can be sure of a reduction of COD, BOD, TSS indicators, making them fall within the norms set by governing watchdogs and mitigating any fines the plant may face. Further, our products are extremely easy to use and will eliminate all trace amounts of chemicals left in the water, thereby releasing holistically treated water into the natural body.

All-Round Disinfection

Our disinfectant solutions use effective and long lasting Hydorgen Peroxide based complex formulation with plant extract stabilization gel. The products used are safe and highly effective and have a rapid as well as long lasting disinfection. The disinfecting products fully break down into water and oxygen leaving no residue. Our products require minimum personal protection equipment (PPE) to be used during application and are proficient in destroying bacteria, viruses, algae, yeast and molds.


By adopting our enzymatic solutions, major industries that utilize CIP and COP processes can be greatly benefitted. Industries such as Food-processing, Dairy, Liquor and Pharmaceuticals all utilize extremely dangerous and toxic products for their sanitization and disinfection needs. This causes delays in production schedules by rendering certain parts of the facility unusable for close to 48 hours, leading to a reduction output and ultimately revenue. By moving away from these toxic products and to our completely green and organic blends, the time taken to disinfect safely can be drastically reduced. In some cases, our products have been able to produce desired results in as little as 20-30 minutes allowing facilities to maintain their production schedules and meet or even exceed their output targets. Finally, there is stricter regulation for what products can be used in these environments being implemented around the world and we would like to be the incentive that these industries utilize to switch from the toxic to the organic.

Ducting & Cooling Towers

The maximum amount of harmful microbial load is actually in the air we breathe and is exacerbated by the circulation of contaminated air in our air-conditioning and air-handling units. AqBON is the finest disinfectant for this application as it is also used to disinfect Hospital Operation Theatres, Intensive Care Units and Wards. Additionally, AqBON removes algal formations and Legionella in cooling towers and delays scaling so as to allow the tower to function efficiently effectively and without long maintenance periods.